Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Fence

When we took vacation, we spent it putting up a fence for some privacy for the pool.  We were blessed with cooler than normal temps for Texas that week.  Here are my guys working:

Doesn't that water look cool?  The temp was up to 105+ today. I haven't been in the pool yet today.  I am going to church for 5th Sunday singing.  I am singing I Fall Apart by Josh Wilson.    Then to the grocery store for food for the week. 

I'm Back!

After a LONG haitus from the blog, I am back. I know I need to keep this going.  I have several things that I am working on.  I have a quilt that I peiced, but laid aside to add applique to jazz it up.  I have decided how I will go about adding the applique.  Need to work out a few details, like where to place and will it be fused and blanket stitched or no raw edges with either hand or machine stitching.  Seems like a lot to still be trying to decide on.  What I did decide was that I will use Omnigrid's temlates for the flowers, the Trace and Flip, sets 3and 4.  Maybe I will post pics as it progresses.