Monday, September 17, 2012

Magical Fall Done

The county fair is done and but a memory now.  The weather has turned cooler and we need to start thinking about when we are going to close the pool.  The windows are open on the house and it is comfortable.  Yesterday we had a drizzle most of the day.  To me that is sewing weather.  I did not get to do that.  I finished Magical Fall (f.k.a. Magic Star Garden).  I did some trapunto and 1/2" quilting.  I need to get me some rulers/templates that will work better for that type of work.  I don't see doing that type of quilting for others (yet).  I need much more practice.  I love the quilting and what it does for the texture and appearance of the quilt.  I also need to get better at photography, but here goes:

You see a Grand Reserve Ribbon on that.  The Magical Fall received a first place ribbon.  Here is a closer picture of it.

They both make  me smile. Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your awesome win and the quilting is fabulous.
