Saturday, January 12, 2013


Today Jim and I went to a couple of shops here looking for bargains and whatever they may have that we want.  He loves Hawaiian shirts.  He picked up a couple and some plaid shirts.  Less than a $1 a piece.  I have Pfatgraff (not sure of the spelling) Yorktowne pattern.  I found a plant pot there that could be used for anything, .25.  I also picked up a cute painted wooden basket.  Don't know what I will put in it yet.  And my favorite from the Good Samaritans was a set of 5 glasses.  They have fall leaves around it. I love them!  Also .25 each.

Then we went to a new place in town.  Basically an antique or knick/knack mall.  People rent spaces and set up shop in the building.  I found two great buys.  One was a potpourri container.  It is much darker than the picture suggest.  I think it may have been copper or at least copper colored, $10.  I am going to get some of the great smelling potpourri that they sell in Canton and we will hang it in the living room where the previous owners left a hook in the ceiling.  And the other item I found there was a corduroy jacket trimmed in velveteen and lace. Gorgeous!  $3.00.

I love shopping at thrift stores.  Jim and I both had a good time.  I also found an old dresser there I may go back to get.  I need to look around and see where I am going to place it.  I think I will use for linen chest.

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